20 Reasons Maryland is The Best

20 Reasons Maryland is The Best


1. Eating crabs is a way of life and you have been eating them since infancy.

Eating crabs

Crab hammers not included.

2. We put Old Bay on everything.


Old Bay Seasoning

crabs, chips, french fries, popcorn, corn on the cob …

3. We’re home to the Ravens and the Orioles….

Ravens and Orioles

4. …as well as the United States Naval Academy.

United States Naval Academy

Hurray for beautiful people watching!

5. We are  Super Bowl Champions.

Super Bowl Champions

6. Our state sport is jousting.


And your state sport is….?

7. But let’s get real, lacrosse is king.


8. A lot of important historical events happened in Maryland.

Historical Events

Did you know that at different points in time Annapolis and Baltimore were the capitol of the United States?

9. Maryland is the birthplace of Francis Scott Key.

Francis Scott Key

He wrote the national anthem.

10. We had Cal Ripken Jr.

Cal Ripken Jr.

Every kid in Maryland fought over having the number 8 jersey for middle school sports.

11. We get to experience every season.

4 Seasons

possibly all within one week

12. We have mountains, farm land, city, and beaches

mountains, farm land, city, and beaches

Mini America

13. We’re neither northern nor southern.

neither northern nor southern


We get the best of both worlds

14. We get to be near Washington D.C.

Washington D.C.

15. Maryland has the coolest state flag.

Maryland State Flag

God forbid you ever had to draw this sucker in middle school.

16. We’re home to the number 1 hospital in the country, Johns Hopkins.

Johns Hopkins Hospital

17. We’ve got the scariest bridge in America…

Chesapeake Bay Bridge

but it was your favorite as a child because it meant you were going to the beach.

18. We’re the source of every version of Hairspray.


and “Good Morning Baltimore” is our anthem.

19. Two words: Ledo Pizza.

Ledo Pizza

Just the best square pizza ever.

20. The Best Home Improvement Contractors Ever Serve the State of Maryland and Offers Free Same Day Estimates and Superior Customer Service.

Raven Home Solutions

Even though we are one of the smallest states, you can pretty much experience everything imaginable here

Be proud hon!

I Love Maryland

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